3 years ago Nathan and I were living in Orlando getting ready to welcome our baby girl, Lillian Rose into the world.Having her for my daughter has been such a blessing, more than i could ever ask for, I am truly blessed! having a child means less sleep,more messes,less money,more patience,and lots more love,other things as well but these are some of the main ones for me. 3 years later we are getting ready to add to the family and Lillian is becoming quite the sassy,sweet,tomboy,princess-great mixture of both little girl,definitely defining who she is and her personality is really starting to shine through!
Some Prima Pages
8 years ago
Love the photo of her licking the cake! LMAO! I mean seriously how many times as kids(ok even as grown-ups sometimes ;)) did you just want to taste the icing - but didn't because you knew you weren't supposed. Way to cute! Save that pic, It's definately blackmail material for when she is older.